Compliance Institute Membership  

At the Compliance Institute, we are dedicated to empowering compliance professionals like you to excel in your career and drive positive change within your organisations. Our membership program offers a host of exclusive benefits, valuable resources, and ongoing professional development to help you stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving compliance landscape.

Our evolving professional development training and accreditation programmes delivered by our educational partners have set the standard for compliance in Ireland, advancing businesses and developing careers.

What is a designation?

Compliance Institute membership offers you a robust, in-built, diverse community where you can engage in online and in-person events. Meet with industry peers in a friendly, collaborative and trusted business environment. 


With the Compliance Institute you're in good company.

New Members

To become a New Member of Compliance Institute

Existing Members

To renew your membership. Login to the website.

Click on your name displayed at the top of the screen. Click 'Renew Now'

1.  Benefits of becoming a Compliance Institute Member

Excel in your career with industry recognition
Your association with the Compliance Institute demonstrates your commitment to the compliance profession and standards of the role. Those who take up a Compliance Institute Professional Designation will further benefit from this.

  1. A Compliance Institute designation is a statement to current and/or potential employers that you have attained a level of technical competence and are ready to take the next step in your career – holding an Compliance Institute designation will help advance your career;
  2. Compliance Institute designations are considered to be the benchmark designation for many roles in the compliance, risk, regulatory and finance sectors and are recognised by Irish regulators: the Central Bank of Ireland and the Data Protection Commission; and
  3. The LCI designation satisfies the Central Bank of Ireland’s Minimum Competency Code for those who ‘adjudicate on any complaint communicated to a regulated firm by a consumer which relates to advice about a retail financial product provided to that consumer or the arranging of a retail financial product for that consumer.’

Access to industry standard Education Programmes

In conjunction with our education partners, the Compliance Institute provide a broad range of accredited graduate and post graduate education in the various fields of compliance and business ethics, from level 7 to level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).


These programmes aim to equip compliance professionals and those who deal with compliance and regulation with the necessary competence and skills to undertake their roles in a professional and effective manner.


The Education Programmes Compliance Institute provides, are considered the industry standard for those working in the area of compliance, risk, regulation and finance in Ireland. 

Advance your career with international recognition
Compliance Institute is a founding member of IFCA (International Federation of Compliance Associations). IFCA is an umbrella organisation for professional bodies that specialise in the practice of compliance. 


The Compliance Institute’s LCI designation, is recognised internationally as ICCP (Internationally Certified Compliance Professional).

Build up your network of industry peers (both in Ireland and internationally)
Compliance Institute regularly host events that relate directly to the concerns and interests of members. The Compliance Institute’s range of networking opportunities focus on bringing the compliance community together and facilitates effective networking and helps you build a contact base that can support you in your role and career.


Being part of the Compliance Institute also means you are part of a diverse global network of compliance professionals. Compliance Institute is connected with international associations, providing members with the opportunity to connect with professionals from all around the world. 

Compliance Institute is a founding member of the International Federation of Compliance Associations  (IFCA) which was founded in Dublin in December 2010. IFCA is the umbrella organisation for professional bodies that specialise in the practice of compliance.


Membership comprises of national compliance bodies from around the world that have been established for the benefit of their members. The purpose of the alliance is to co-ordinate and collaborate in ways that benefit business ethics and compliance professionals worldwide.

Compliance Institute a member of ENFCO (European Network for Compliance Professionals). ENFCO is a network of not-for-profit associations for in-house compliance professionals across Europe. As part of your membership you can also participate in ENFCO's relevant working groups to gain further knowledge or to offer your own expertise. 

Be part of the voice of compliance in Ireland - have your voice heard

One of Compliance Institute's strategic objectives, as set out in our three-year strategic plan, is that Compliance Institute becomes the ‘Voice of Compliance’. In the past year we have receive widespread coverage in national and regional media, appearing in over 120 articles on a range of topics. Compliance Institute is now seen by certain media outlets as the ‘Go To’ Association for commentary on matters relating to compliance.


As an Compliance Institute member, you will have the opportunity to have your voice heard through Compliance Institute’s Membership Surveys and therefore, contribute to the overall voice of the compliance industry in Ireland.

Hear about relevant career opportunities
As the leading institute for compliance professionals in the country, Compliance Institute receives requests periodically from employers looking to fill positions in the compliance or data protection sector. Our members can request to be added to either the Professional Compliance Register or the Data Protection Officer Register by completing and returning the relevant forms to Details of new opportunities will be sent to you to review, and you can then apply directly to the company. 

Gain access to member-only CPD and educational resources
Compliance Institute Members are granted access to member only areas of which include presentations and speeches from expert speakers in the area of compliance, risk, regulation and finance. These resources will prove extremely useful to anyone undertaking Compliance Institute's Education Programme or anyone looking to improve their knowledge on a particular topic.

Keep up to date with the latest industry developments
Getting and staying up to speed on the latest compliance matters requires a significant investment of your time. In a quickly changing regulatory landscape when new procedures, standards, directives and enforcements requires rapid business responses Compliance Institute supports you with continuous compliance clarity. 


The Compliance Institute has a wide variety of working groups, made up of industry experts, which serve to provide members with the latest insights on current and pending issues of relevance. As an Compliance Institute member, you will have access to top-class insight and knowledge from our working groups and through our various member communications:

As a Compliance Institute member you will receive our monthly newsletter containing updates and insights on all the latest work of the Compliance Institute along with upcoming opportunities that may be beneficial to you and/or your organisation.  

ICQ Magazine:

The Compliance Institute is the trusted voice of compliance in Ireland. The Irish Compliance Quarterly, Compliance Institute’s quarterly magazine, is an extremely valuable resource to those working and studying in the area of compliance, risk, regulation and finance.


The ICQ features relevant articles from subject matter experts on regulatory updates and detailed analysis of compliance regulation and legislation in financial services plus, information about the Compliance Institute's ongoing educational and professional development initiatives. Whatever stage your career is at, you will benefit from reading the ICQ Magazine. 

Compliance Files podcast series: 

In a quickly evolving regulatory landscape with new legislation, regulations, codes and enforcements constantly being developed and entering into force, getting and staying up to speed on the latest compliance developments requires a significant investment of your time and effort. 

Whether you are a student, a compliance professional, a head of compliance, a regulator or board member, the Compliance Institute’s Compliance Files podcast series will support you in keeping up to date on all the latest industry changes and talking points in convenient format.

2.  Types of Compliance Institute Membership

Compliance Institute membership runs from 1st August to 31st July annually for all members.

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Members are those who:

  • Are joining as a New member of Compliance Institute;
  • Would like to access our online and in person CPD;
  • Have successfully completed the Certificate in Compliance; and/or 
  • Are currently undertaking an Compliance Institute Education Programme.

Compliance Institute invites all those with an interest in the area of compliance, risk and finance to become an Affiliate member.

Ordinary Membership

Ordinary Members are those who:

Have successfully completed one of the following Compliance Institute Education Programmes but have not yet taken up the relevant designation:

  • Professional Diploma in Compliance;
  • Professional Certificate in Data Protection;
  • Professional Certificate in Financial Crime Prevention; 
  • Professional Diploma in Leading Cultural Change and Ethical Behaviour in Financial Services;

  • MSc in Compliance; and/or
  • MA in Ethics

To retain your Ordinary Membership you must renew your Compliance Institute membership annually.

Designate Membership

Designate Members are those who:

Have successfully graduated from an Compliance Institute Education Programme and have formally taken up the corresponding Compliance Institute Professional Designation.


In order to retain your Professional Designation you must:

  1. Renew your Compliance Institute Membership annually (membership runs from August to July each year), and 
  2. Obtain and log the minimum CPD credits required for your designation each year (CPD runs from January to December)

Honorary Fellow

Are members who have been recognised by the Compliance Institute for their contribution to the field of compliance and business ethics. This is the highest level of membership offered by the Compliance Institute and is awarded to members who are considered for their position, experience or by reason of their eminence in regulatory compliance or business ethics.

3.  How to Become a Compliance Institute Member

  1. Click on the “Become a new Compliance Institute member' link.
  2. Please complete all details in “STEP 1 and STEP 2 to set up your membership account.
  3. A receipt will be automatically emailed to you as confirmation once the payment has been processed.
  4. This receipt is confirmation that you are a current Compliance Institute Member.

To become a New Member of Compliance Institute

4.  Cost of Compliance Institute Membership

Annual Subscription for:

  • Affiliate Members: €150        
  • Ordinary Members: €150
  • Designate Members: €250  

Designate subscription is capped at €250 regardless of how many designations a member holds.

Annual Subscription Rates have remained the same for the past 3 years.

5.  How to Renew your Compliance Institute Membership

Compliance Institute membership runs from 1st August to 31st July annually for all members.

  1. Log into your Compliance Institute account;
  2. Click on your name displayed at the top left side of the screen to access your Compliance Institute profile page;
  3. Click on the 'Renew Now' button to make the payment online by debit/credit card; and
  4. An individual renewal invoice can be downloaded from the members profile page.

Note: The online payment option and the renewal invoice will only remain available to members from August until the end of October. After this date, members will need to contact the Compliance Institute office directly or make the payment through EFT to renew their membership.

Existing Members

Questions about Compliance Institute Membership? 

If you have further queries regarding a new membership subscription or renewal of an existing membership, please call us on

+353 1 779 0200 or email with subject title 'Membership Query'.

See also