The latest Compliance Institute survey receives extensive coverage in today’s Examiner.



Date: 26th May 2023

The latest Compliance Institute survey receives extensive coverage in today’s Examiner (See below). The main message is that companies should be open and transparent about their impact on the environment, and their performance would have a significant bearing on the purchasing behaviour of consumers, according to a new survey from the Compliance Institute.


Findings from the Compliance Institute survey reveal that:


• More than 8 in 10 people agree that companies have an obligation to report on their impact on biodiversity.

• 6 in 10 people would avoid companies that have a poor environmental footprint.

• Women & those over 55 are more environmentally conscious when it comes to buyer behaviour.

• More women (91pc) than men (76pc) want companies to be accountable and report their practices.

• People aged 55+ were most likely to agree that the reporting should be in place (91pc).

• The results were the same across socio-economic backgrounds, with both groups largely supporting the new rules (84pc).

• Those living in the provinces of Connacht and Ulster were most in favour of the Directive at 90pc.

• More women than men stated that they would avoid companies who poorly perform in CSRD at 61pc vs. 51pc.

• The largest age group to steer clear of businesses who underperform in CSRD was aged 55+ at 61pc.

• 13pc of people confirmed that a company’s CSRD results  - either positive or negative  - wouldn’t influence their decisions with more men stating this more than women (16pc vs 10pc).


Print coverage: Irish Examiner